Pay less tax with a Depreciation Schedule from Corpred

Every investment property needs a tax depreciation schedule. Corpred Enterprises is Australia's leading provider of residential tax depreciation schedules.

We have three options available for you to choose the level of service you require.

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Our bronze option is FREE and provides you with a depreciation estimate only of the total amount available for depreciation in your first full year of ownership. This is for residential properties only. If you have a commercial or industrial property, please contact us for an obligation free quote.

With this option you will be taken through an online checklist which will ask you a series of detailed questions about your investment property, so that we can assess the depreciation that is available. You will also be given the option to upload some photos of your property. If a floor plan is available you can upload that too.

If at any time you need to leave the checklist you can save your answers and return later.

Once we have received your completed checklist we will analyse the information you have provided. You will then be sent an SMS that will give you the total amount available for depreciation in your first full year of ownership.

The SMS tax depreciation estimate is FREE – there is no obligation to use our service further.

If you are happy with your estimate, you can request us to use the information received to complete a full depreciation schedule for you (at $438 + GST) without having to complete the checklist again.

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Our silver option is our basic package costing $438 plus GST for residential property only. If you have a commercial or industrial property, please contact us for an obligation free quote.

With this option you will be taken through an online checklist which will ask you a series of detailed questions about your investment property, so that we can assess the depreciation that is available. You will also be given the option to upload some photos of your property. If a floor plan is available you can upload that too. This option does not include a site visit.

If at any time you need to leave the checklist you can save your answers and return later.

The report will be created in keeping with the ATO's Self Assessment Principle.

Your completed depreciation schedule with be emailed to you in pdf format.

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The cost of this service is $588 plus GST for residential property only and covers all capital cities and some major metropolitan areas.

Please call us if your investment property is located outside of all capital cities and we can advise you on the fee applicable. If you have a commercial or industrial property, please contact us for an obligation free quote.

This option guarantees you will receive the highest level of depreciation back on your property as our inspectors come to your property and do a full onsite inspection ensuring that every item possible is depreciated.

With this option you will be required to answer a series of questions about yourself and your property. If available, you are welcome to send any photos, floor plans, site plans or additional information you have on your property to ensure the highest quality schedule.

Once we receive your application we will contact yourself or your property manager to organise access to your investment property to complete the inspection.

Once the inspection has been completed, your depreciation schedule will be emailed to you in pdf format.

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About Us

Tax Depreciation Experts

Corpred Enterprises is Australia's Leading Online Discount depreciation schedule provider with over 20 years experience. Our reports are prepared by experienced and registered quantity surveyors. More...